I'm working on a simulation program.
One of the first things the program does is read in a huge file (28 mb, about 79'000 lines,), parse each line (about 150 fields), create a class for the object, and add it to a TStringList.
It also reads in another file, which adds more objects during the run. At the end, it ends up being about 85'000 objects.
I was working with Delphi 2007, and the program used a lot of memory, but it ran OK. I upgraded to Delphi XE, and migrated the program over and now it's using a LOT more memory, and it ends up running out of memory half way through the run.
So in Delphi 2007, it would end up using 1.4 gigs after reading in the initial file, which is obviously a huge amount, but in XE, it ends up using almost 1.8 gigs, which is really huge and leads to running out and getting the error
So my question is
- Why is it using so much memory?
- Why is it using so much more memory in XE than 2007?
- What can I do about this? I can't change how big or long the file is, and I do need to create an object for each line and to store it somewhere