Here is the Roslyn Implementation, so you can create your own attributes that give warnings or errors on the fly.
I've create an attribute Type Called IdeMessage
which will be the attribute which generates warnings:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class IDEMessageAttribute : Attribute
public string Message;
public IDEMessageAttribute(string message);
In order to do this you need to install the Roslyn SDK first and start a new VSIX project with analyzer. I've omitted some of the less relevant piece like the messages, you can figure out how to do that. In your analyzer you do this
public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context)
context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction(AnalyzerInvocation, SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression);
private static void AnalyzerInvocation(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
var invocation = (InvocationExpressionSyntax)context.Node;
var methodDeclaration = (context.SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(invocation, context.CancellationToken).Symbol as IMethodSymbol);
//There are several reason why this may be null e.g invoking a delegate
if (null == methodDeclaration)
var methodAttributes = methodDeclaration.GetAttributes();
var attributeData = methodAttributes.FirstOrDefault(attr => IsIDEMessageAttribute(context.SemanticModel, attr, typeof(IDEMessageAttribute)));
if(null == attributeData)
var message = GetMessage(attributeData);
var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(Rule, invocation.GetLocation(), methodDeclaration.Name, message);
static bool IsIDEMessageAttribute(SemanticModel semanticModel, AttributeData attribute, Type desiredAttributeType)
var desiredTypeNamedSymbol = semanticModel.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(desiredAttributeType.FullName);
var result = attribute.AttributeClass.Equals(desiredTypeNamedSymbol);
return result;
static string GetMessage(AttributeData attribute)
if (attribute.ConstructorArguments.Length < 1)
return "This method is obsolete";
return (attribute.ConstructorArguments[0].Value as string);
There are no CodeFixProvider for this you can remove it from the solution.