I followed the Google instructions to set up gsutil. It states that after runnig 'gsutil config' in terminal I should see:
This script will create a boto config file at /.boto containing your credentials, based on your responses to the following questions.
Please navigate your browser to the following URL: <
> In your browser you should see a page that requests you to authorize gsutil to access Google Cloud Storage on your behalf. After you approve, an authorization code will be displayed.Enter the authorization code:
however I get this response instead:
root@myserver# gsutil config
No command was given.
Choose one of -b, -d, -e, or -r to do something.
Try `/usr/bin/gsutil --help' for more information.
I am using gsutil version 3 on Ubuntu, and trying suggested flags with /usr/bin/gsutil does not give any sensible result.
Any suggestions?