Using m.wasowski code, unexpected behavior can occur:
return [(info.split()[0], info.split()[2]) for info in usb_info]
This part of code can produce bug, if your USB device name has white space character in it. I got that behavior with device named "USB DEVICE".
Returned media/home/USB for me, when it is media/home/USB DEVICE.
I modified that part, so it was founding word "type", and replaced that line with this:
#return [(info.split()[0], info.split()[2]) for info in usb_info]
fullInfo = []
for info in usb_info:
mountURI = info.split()[0]
usbURI = info.split()[2]
for x in range(3, info.split().__sizeof__()):
if info.split()[x].__eq__("type"):
for m in range(3, x):
usbURI += " "+info.split()[m]
fullInfo.append([mountURI, usbURI])
return fullInfo
output. You can get device and path from this, see also #3881949 – Pennsylvania