TL;DR: use \newpage
or \pagebreak
together with the Lua filter below (or here) to get page breaks in many formats. R Markdown users won't have to do anything extra, the filter is already included by default.
Pandoc parses all inputs into an internal document format. The internal format has no dedicated way to represent page breaks, but it is still possible to encode the information in other ways. One way is to use raw LaTeX \newpage
. This works perfectly when outputting LaTeX (or PDF created through LaTeX). However, one will run into problems when targeting different formats like HTML or docx.
A simple solution when targeting other formats is to use a pandoc filter which can transform the internal document representation such that it suites our needs. Pandoc 2.0 and later even allows to use the included Lua interpreter to perform this transformation.
Let's assume we are indicating page breaks by putting \newpage
in a line surrounded like blank lines, like so:
lorem ipsum
more text
The \newpage
will be parsed as a RawBlock containing raw TeX. The block will only be included in the output if the target format can contain raw TeX (i.e., LaTeX, Markdown, Org, etc.).
We can use a simple Lua filter to translate this when targeting a different format. The following works for docx, LaTeX, epub, and light-weight markup.
--- Return a block element causing a page break in the given format.
local function newpage(format)
if format == 'docx' then
local pagebreak = '<w:p><w:r><w:br w:type="page"/></w:r></w:p>'
return pandoc.RawBlock('openxml', pagebreak)
elseif format:match 'html.*' then
return pandoc.RawBlock('html', '<div style=""></div>')
elseif format:match 'tex$' then
return pandoc.RawBlock('tex', '\\newpage{}')
elseif format:match 'epub' then
local pagebreak = '<p style="page-break-after: always;"> </p>'
return pandoc.RawBlock('html', pagebreak)
-- fall back to insert a form feed character
return pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str '\f'}
-- Filter function called on each RawBlock element.
function RawBlock (el)
-- check that the block is TeX or LaTeX and contains only \newpage or
-- \pagebreak.
if el.text:match '\\newpage' then
-- use format-specific pagebreak marker. FORMAT is set by pandoc to
-- the targeted output format.
return newpage(FORMAT)
-- otherwise, leave the block unchanged
return nil
We published an updated, more featureful version. It's available from the official pandoc lua-filters repository. The R Markdown project maintains a fork; it ships with the R package, so the feature can be used right away.
Note: For converting latex
to docx
you have to set the from to latex+raw_tex
for pandoc AST to pass it along github issue