I have this function, and I always use to prevent this kind of things.
I use my function in this way:
var notEmpty = {}
notEmpty.selector = ".no-empty-plz"
notEmpty.event = "focusout"
notEmpty.nonEmpty = "---"
And I just add the no-empty-plz to the Elements I that don't want to be empty.
* Used to prevent a element have a empty content, made to be used
when we want to edit the content directly with the contenteditable=true
because when a element is completely empty, it disappears U_U
* @param selector
* @param event
* @param nonEmpty:
* String to be put instead empty
function neverEmpty(params) {
var element = $(params.selector)
$(document).on(params.event, params.selector, function() {
var text = $(this).html()
text = hardTrim(text)
if ($.trim(text) == "") {
params is actually a json, so selector = params.selector as you can see
And hardTrim is also another fucntion I created is like a trim but includs   and <br/>,
function hardTrim(text) {
if (!exists(text)) {
return ""
text = text.replace(/^\ \;|<br?\>*/gi, "").replace(/\ \;|<br?\>$/gi, "").trim();
return text
- thanks! – Carter