Replace '\n' in a string in Python 2.7
Asked Answered



This is my file.txt:

Egg and Bacon;
Egg, sausage and Bacon
Egg and Spam;
Spam Egg Sausage and Spam;
Egg, Bacon and Spam;

I wanna convert the newLine '\n' to ' $ '. I just used:

f = open(fileName)
text =      
text = text.replace('\n',' $ ')

This is my output:

$ Spam Egg Sausage and Spam;

and my output must be like:

Egg and Bacon; $ Egg, sausage and Bacon $ Egg ...

What am I doing wrong? I'm using #-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

Thank you.

Flagstone answered 25/3, 2015 at 9:4 Comment(4)
Cannot reproduce; working as expected for me.Cadel
Does your text contain '\r' characters? What does print repr(text) print? I had no problems running your code; it works for me as intended.Westphalia
print(repr(text)) = 'Egg and Bacon;\r\nEgg, sausage and Bacon\r\nEgg and Spam;\r\nSpam Egg Sausage and Spam;\r\n' I made this change "replace('\r\n', ' $ ')" and now it works fine! Thank you!!Flagstone
Does this answer your question? Is universal newlines mode supposed to be default behaviour for open() in Python 2.7?Chardin

It is possible that your newlines are represented as \r\n. In order to replace them you should do:

text.replace('\r\n', ' $ ')

For a portable solution that works on both UNIX-like systems (which uses \n) and Windows (which uses \r\n), you can substitute the text using a regex:

>>> import re
>>> re.sub('\r?\n', ' $ ', 'a\r\nb\r\nc')
'a $ b $ c'
>>> re.sub('\r?\n', ' $ ', 'a\nb\nc')
'a $ b $ c'
Arron answered 25/3, 2015 at 9:14 Comment(2)
An additional comment: I would recommend doing first text = text.replace('\r\n','\n') and then doing text = text.replace('\n', ' $ '). This works for all files, for the ones having '\n' line separators and for the ones having '\r\n' line separators.Westphalia
Yes, I agree that your regex solution is better. Got already my upvote, though.Westphalia

You can use splitlines.

lines = """Egg and Bacon;
Egg, sausage and Bacon
Egg and Spam;
Spam Egg Sausage and Spam;
Egg, Bacon and Spam;"""

print(" $ ".join(lines.splitlines()))
Egg and Bacon; $ Egg, sausage and Bacon $ Egg and Spam; $ Spam Egg Sausage and Spam; $ Egg, Bacon and Spam;

Or simply use rstrip and join on the file object without reading all into memory:

with open("in.txt") as f: 
    print(" $ ".join(line.rstrip() for line in f))
    Egg and Bacon; $ Egg, sausage and Bacon $ Egg and Spam; $ Spam Egg Sausage and Spam; $ Egg, Bacon and Spam;

Which is a much more efficient solution than reading all the file into memory and using a regex. You should also always use with to open your files as it closes them automatically.

rstrip will remove \n \r\n etc..

In [41]: s = "foo\r\n"
In [42]: s.rstrip()
Out[42]: 'foo'    
In [43]: s = "foo\n"    
In [44]: s.rstrip()
Out[44]: 'foo'
Monogamous answered 25/3, 2015 at 9:48 Comment(0)
text = text.replace('\\n', '')
Masseuse answered 9/10, 2020 at 15:19 Comment(1)
This is wrong; the input does not actually contain backslashes.Chardin

import re content = "great\n\rwork" re.sub('(\r|\n)+', ' ',content)

great work

Wangle answered 25/7, 2024 at 9:25 Comment(0)

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