Is it possible to put GROUP_CONCAT in a MYSQL WHERE clause?
I have two tables (one for members and one for payment info). For example
Members Table
num, memNumber, fullName, coporateName, surname
001, mem0010, Joe Bloggs, NULL, Bloggs
002, mem0015, NULL, BBC
003, mem0017, John Peters, NULL
004, mem0101, Emma Jane, NULL
Payment Table
num, memberID, subscriptionYear, amount
001, mem0010, 2008, 30
003, mem0010, 2010, 40
004, mem0015, 2010, 40
005, mem0017, 2009, 35
006, mem0101, 2009, 35
007, mem0017, 2010, 40
I have the following query to retrieve info from both tables (I have simplified it to make it more readable).
SELECT members.num, members.memNumber , members.fullName , members.corporateName ,
CONCAT(members.corporateName , members.surname) AS searchSurname ,
GROUP_CONCAT(payment.subscriptionYear) As subscriptionYear ,
GROUP_CONCAT(payment.amount) AS amount
FROM members
LEFT JOIN payment ON members.memNumber = payment.memberID
WHERE `subscriptionYear` NOT LIKE '%2009%'
GROUP BY members.num
ORDER BY `searchSurname` ASC
But it removes the "2009" from the results of the subscriptionYear
column. Can't see if 2009 is in the resultant GROUP_CONCAT?
NOT LIKE '%2009%' GROUP BY members.num HAVING subscriptionYear NOT LIKE '%2009%' ORDER BYsearchSurname
ASC – Trend