I'm trying to teach myself clojure and I'm using the principles of Prime Factors Kata and TDD to do so.
Via a series of Midje tests like this:
(fact (primefactors 1) => (list))
(fact (primefactors 2) => (list 2))
(fact (primefactors 3) => (list 3))
(fact (primefactors 4) => (list 2 2))
I was able to create the following function:
(defn primefactors
([n] (primefactors n 2))
([n candidate]
(cond (<= n 1) (list)
(= 0 (rem n candidate)) (conj (primefactors (/ n candidate)) candidate)
:else (primefactors n (inc candidate))
This works great until I throw the following edge case test at it:
(fact (primefactors 1000001) => (list 101 9901))
I end up with a stack overflow error. I know I need to turn this into a proper recur loops but all the examples I see seem to be too simplistic and only point to a counter or numerical variable as the focus. How do I make this recursive?