I have been working on a research in relation with twitter sentiment analysis. I have a little knowledge on how to code on Python. Since my research is related with coding, I have done some research on how to analyze sentiment using Python, and the below is how far I have come to: 1.Tokenization of tweets 2. POS tagging of token and the remaining is calculating Positive and Negative of the sentiment which the issue i am facing now and need your help.
Below is my code example:
import nltk
sentence = "Iphone6 camera is awesome for low light "
token = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
tagged = nltk.pos_tag(token)
Therefore, I want to ask if anybody can help me to show/guide the example of using python to code about sentiwordnet to calculate the positive and negative score of the tweeets that has already been POS tagged. thank in advance