I have a camel web application running on remote-server-1 which is a tomcat 8 server. I have attached a jolokia jvm agent on this tomcat as follows-
java -jar jolokia-jvm-1.3.5-agent.jar start <PID>
I get the following response on my local machine by accessing http://remote-server-1:port/jolokia
"request": {
"type": "version"
"value": {
"agent": "1.3.5",
"protocol": "7.2",
"config": {
"maxDepth": "15",
"discoveryEnabled": "true",
"maxCollectionSize": "0",
"agentId": "***.***.***.**-16224-35a7a114-jvm",
"debug": "false",
"agentType": "jvm",
"historyMaxEntries": "10",
"agentContext": "\/jolokia",
"maxObjects": "0",
"debugMaxEntries": "100"
"info": {
"product": "tomcat",
"vendor": "Apache",
"version": "8.0.35"
"timestamp": 1491307702,
"status": 200
I also have hawtio.war deployed on my local-tomcat8.5. When I try to connect to this remote agent, I am redirected to login page. I am not able to figure out where am I going wrong. Can anyone help me with this?