Header file math.h is for mathematical functions like cos,sin, tan.. But how to write the ln function and not log?
How can you use Ln function in C programing?
double ln(double x) { return log(x); }
Or in a pinch
#define ln(x) log(x)
double ln(double x) {
// ln(1 - y) = sum of -(y ^ k) / k from k = 1 to n but only if 0 < y < 1
// taylor expansion formula of ln(x): https://furthermathematicst.blogspot.com/2011/06/71-taylor-polynomial-part-1.html
int exponent = 0; // map the value x between 0 and 1
while (x > 1.0) {x /= 2.0; exponent++;}
while (x < 0.0) {x *= 2.0; exponent--;}
int k, n = 1000; // iteration
double y = 1 - x; // ln(1 - y) = ln(x) >> ln(y) = ln(1 - x)
double initial_y = y;
double result = 0;
for (k = 1; k <= n; k++) { // sum of -(y ^ k) / k from k = 1 to n
result += y / k;
y *= initial_y; // y ^ k
return -1 * result + exponent * LN2;
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. What you're thinking of as log (log base 10) islog10
in the library. – Notebooklog
computes log base e. – Notebook