I have been having an issue with missing instances and nilClass errors when calling my routes. After delving around within the source it seems like the generate_method call basically creates a new method using the block of the initial method.
get "/" do
So in the above method there could very well be a local variable within that class called some_local_instance, however when the rote is actually evaluated it has no context as to where the method was defined, so it will fail.
The reason I ask is because as part of my script I have external classes which are loaded when Sinatra is loaded which register routes and when those routes are called I need to access some local variables on these classes. An example would be:
class SomeRouteClass
def initialize(sinatra, calculator)
@calculator = calculator
@sinatra = sinatra
def setup_routes
@sinatra.get "/add" do
return @calculator.add(1,1)
class Calculator
def add(a,b)
return a+b;
sinatra = Sinatra.new
calculator = Calculator.new
routing_class = SomeRouteClass.new(sinatra, calculator)
Forgive any spelling/syntax mistakes this is just a quick example, but as you can see a class registers routes and when that route is hit returns some value generated by an instance of the calculator it took when it was instantiated.
Problem I have is that in this example when I try and run the /add route it tells me that @calculator is a nilClass, and I believe it to be down to the way that Sinatra just takes the block of code without context. This seems fine for any simple template rendering, but if you need to do anything more fancy, or want to keep your code modular by not using statics and singletons you do not seem to have any way around this...
Are my assumptions correct here? and if so is there any way to keep context as it feels like it is forcing me to write bad and hard to maintain code if I have to write everything as statics and singletons to interact from a route.
== Edit ==
Have restructured the question and content to more accurately reflect the actual problem, now that I have a firmer understanding of the library.