'Lo again,
My Dotfuscation efforts continue! So I'm currently working on obfuscating a reasonable complicated WPF application consisting of ~38 assemblies. Now that I've overcome my performance issues (Speeding up obfuscation process), I've now moved on to testing out the BAML obfuscation capabilities of Dotfuscator v4.10.
Trouble is, it ain't working - the errors (well, warnings) that are generated are all of the same form, for which I can find nothing on the 'net that discusses:
BamlAnalysis flagged something in Data Binding Path: SOMEFIELDNAME in
SOMERESOURCEPATHTOBAML.baml for the following reasons:
Could not resolve, may have to manually exclude.
Anyone come across this and have any insight what the heck it wants me to change?
[EDIT:] Even setting up manual excludes on the properties its complaining about does not remove the warning...and it doesn't appear as if the underlying BAML is altered at all (at least not by visual check via reflector).
[EDIT2:] Also, should state that Dotfuscator is a requirement here, so alternative tools probably won't help me.