I use EF (EDMX model - DB first) to map "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" to a DateTimeOffset. when I commit the DateTimeOffset to Oracle, the Zone part is saved incorrectly.
So if using the model, for example, to insert the value 29/02/2012 10:10:10 +04:00
, the value that is actually stored in Oracle is 29/02/2012 10:10:10 +02:00
(assuming +02:00 is local zone)
Note that the mappings works just fine when querying the data. Only INSERT (via ObjectContext.SaveChanges()) is broken...
I've debugged into the "Oracle.DataAccess.dll" ( using ILSpy :) ) and found that the mapping code for EF omits the zone (the "Oracle Data Provider" passes the DateTimeOffset.DateTime only).
Does anyone know a workaround?
Thanks in advance Eli
BTW: I am using .net4, EF4, Oracle 11g, ODAC 11.2 Release 4 (