I'm trying to find out if this is a JSF/EL issue or something wrong here.
Basically, I wanted to pass an item object as a ui:param to a ui:composition and have a button inside (i.e. bootstrap buttons so they're actually html links hence the use of commandLink) and have it perform an action using the item param. Here's the ui:composition item.xhtml being passed some params.
<ui:include src="comp/item.xhtml">
<ui:param name="item" value="#{itemVM.item}"/>
<ui:param name="desc" value="#{true}"/>
Now I want this button to be a composite component "bt:button", however it seems to be having a problem resolving the "item" parameter. To to confirm this I took the commandlink out of the component and put it on the page and sure enough it worked. Furthermore if I move the bt:button outside of the ui:composition it works there too. Lastly if I change item to be a string using single quotes like 'test' it works as well (For testing purposes my action method takes an Object). Based on these 3 cases it looks as though that as the composite component is having trouble resolving the item parameter being passed in to a composition.
Here's an example of the 1st test (i.e., the composite component verses the regular JSF commandlink) inside item.xhtml:
<!- This composite component doesn't Work -->
<bt:button id="cmpBtn" active="#{user.compares[item.id]}"
disabled="#{user.compares[item.id] != null and itemsCtr.numOfCompares >= 100}"
styleClass="btn-item-compare btn-small"
<i class="#{user.compares[item.id] != null ? 'icon-minus' : 'icon-plus'}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{user.compares[item.id] != null ? 'Comparing' : 'Compare'}"/>
<f:ajax render="@this"/>
<!-- This regular jsf component works -->
<h:commandLink action="#{itemsCtr.compare(item)}" value="Test">
<f:ajax render="@this"/>
And here's my composite component definition of bt:button:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<cc:interface componentType="LinkComponent">
<cc:attribute name="action" targets="button"/>
<cc:attribute name="value" type="java.lang.String"/>
<cc:attribute name="active" type="java.lang.Boolean"/>
<cc:attribute name="title" type="java.lang.String"/>
<cc:attribute name="styleClass" type="java.lang.String"/>
<cc:attribute name="disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean"/>
<cc:attribute name="style" type="java.lang.String"/>
<h:commandLink id="button" binding="#{cc.link}"
styleClass="btn #{cc.attrs.active ? 'active' : ''} #{cc.attrs.disabled ? 'disabled' : ''} #{cc.attrs.styleClass}"
title="#{cc.attrs.title}" style="#{cc.attrs.style}" disabled="#{cc.attrs.disabled}" value="#{cc.attrs.value}">
My question is this a JSF issue or is there something wrong here? Perhaps in the composite component definition?
come from? From a repeating component? If so, which one? – Phosphorite#{item}
comes from the#{itemVM.item}
. ItemVM is just a ViewScoped managed bean, and no ui:repeat is used in this case. I take that property and pass it in to the item.xhtml composition usingui:param name="item" value="#{itemVM.item}"
. I've created a item.xhtml composition because I want to reuse that jsf/html code in a few pages so by passing in item as a ui:param it allows me to do that - until I ran into this issue of course. – Oblong