I'm using this OpenGL tutorial. I used SDL for the creation of my window and now i need to use glew (see the One more thing section on the bottom of the tutorial). But whatever i link, include, copy or define all i get is unresolved external symbol errors.
I have:
- Linked my project to the GLEW Lib folder
- Added the include folder to my include path
- Copied the include,bin and lib files to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\ in the appropiate maps
- copied glew32.dll and glew32mx.dll to my system32 folder
- included and defined different files (see screenshots 2)
I will let the screenshots do the talking, what did i forget?
were supposed to go here but due to the new user rule i can't include them here. Here is a link
cannot find or open the PDB file
notices are normal. Those windows dlls do not have debugging information associated with them. It is not a problem with your program. – Overblown