Turning off internet on mobile device directly causes problems in my chat application. Messages are not stored in openfire offline table as Openfire still shows me online on abrupt disconnection from the server. when a relogin attempt is made the messages that were sent in that period are lost.
I am working on a chat application,after login to openfire I am able to chat and other users can see me online but the problem is if one user losses the connection like WIFI off,In such situation Openfire is not showing my status as offline and it still shows Online which results in message packet loss.
Please provide me the solution I am unable to resolve it.
On a sidenote how whatsapp and other apps send messages. Do they use message storage strategy on server and acknowledgement or am I missing something here.
set false so we can't received messageacknowledgement
status on server side. – Carmelinacarmelita