Using TinyMCE 4.1.5 under JS (w/ JQuery 1.11.1 and several JQuery plugins like form and ui). The TinyMCE version I'm using is not the one with embedded JQuery.
The editor comes up fine and I can type directly in it without issue. Using only the tinymce-provided plugins, all functions that use buttons or non-text field controls work fine.
However, the text fields in the plugins (such as in link or insert video) won't let me type into the fields or select other text fields (so it seems like a focus issue).
There's a fiddle at, and here's a more specific init code from in the application:
var _clear_css_cache;
_clear_css_cache = '/javascripts/canonical/tinymce/skins/lightgray/' +
'content.min.css?' +
new Date().getTime();
var _toolbar_1, _toolbar_2;
_toolbar_1 = 'formatselect, |, ' +
'bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, ' +
'subscript, superscript, |,' +
'outdent, indent, blockquote, |,' +
'alignleft, aligncenter, alignright, alignjustify';
_toolbar_2 = 'bullist, numlist, table, charmap, emoticons |,' +
'link, unlink, |,' +
'image, media, |,' +
'code, preview |,' +
'pasteword, print |,' +
'undo, redo,';
var _contextmenu;
_contextmenu = 'link image inserttable | ' +
'cell row column deletetable';
selector: 'textarea.tinymce',
toolbar: [_toolbar_1, _toolbar_2],
plugins: [
'advlist autolink autosave code charmap contextmenu emoticons image',
'lists link media paste preview print table'
contextmenu: _contextmenu,
theme: 'modern',
content_css: _clear_css_cache,
menubar: false,
statusbar: false,
convert_urls: false,
relative_urls: false,
invalid_elements: 'script'
And to insert into target div (with a child of 'textarea.tinymce'), I use a pretty standard call:
function do_wysiwyg(_div) {
tinymce.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, $(_div).attr('id'));
I've tried several browsers local and in BrowserStack and none of the plugin text fields work in any of them, even though the editor does.
See also using tinymce with blockui.
Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
UPDATE (10/7/2014): Was wondering if a z-index is interfering but so far no luck during experimentation. This is an upgrade from a very old tinymce install and the plugins worked fine there, so was expecting no conversion outside of tinymce code/invocation itself.
UPDATE 2 (10/7/2014): have a fiddle now: Appears to only occur when using BlockUI ! Am betting that there's a focus trap from BlockUI now.