I have started programming using Material Design and I'm facing very weird graphic bug.
- I have 2 activities A and B.
- Activity B has 3 Fragments.
- I start with Activity A → click on item → start Activity B.
Basically Activity A contains a Fragment with a RecyclerView. 2 Fragments of 3 of Activity B does also contain RecyclerView. Once I go back from Activity B (where the Fragment with RecyclerView is active) to Activity A by pressing back navigation button, here's what happens:
When I scroll a bit, everything repairs.
I'm using newest support libraries (21.0.3) and build tools. Bug appears on Android 5.0 and 5.0.1. Logcat does not report any errors or warnings.
I do not override any Activity transactions, also I don't work with any Paint, Drawable, etc. Anyone faced this bug, any idea how to fix it?