Here is an example of some Agda (2.4.2) code defining games and a binary operation on games.
module MWE where
open import Data.Sum
open import Size
data Game (i : Size) : Set₁ where
game : {Move : Set} → {<i : Size< i} → (play : Move → Game <i) → Game i
_∧_ : ∀ {i j} → Game i → Game j → Game ∞
_∧_ {i} {j} (game {Move/g} {<i} play/g) (game {Move/h} {<j} play/h)
= game {∞} {Move/g ⊎ Move/h}
λ { (inj₁ x) → _∧_ {<i} {j} (play/g x) (game play/h)
; (inj₂ y) → _∧_ {i} {<j} (game play/g) (play/h y) }
This code type- and termination-checks. However, if I replace the definition of Game
with a record definition, like so:
record Game (i : Size) : Set₁ where
constructor game
{Move} : Set
{<i} : Size< i
play : Move → Game <i
Agda no longer believes the definition of _∧_
to be terminating, even though the value of either i
or j
decreases in each recursive call. As far as I am aware, these two definitions of Game
should be equivalent; what causes Agda to successfully termination-check the former, but not the latter?
-based termination-check isn't used when checking whetherrecord
is decreasing argument. – Jackiejackinoffice{i}
themselves is decreasing? Not every argument to a function has to decrease in the recursive call. – Anonym