I use an intent filter to allow deep linking to an activity of my application. Like in the example given below: https://developer.android.com/training/app-indexing/deep-linking.html
The redirection to my app works fine with Google Chrome and the Android Browser but when i use Firefox, the problem is that Firefox launches a new instance of my app, instead of redirecting me to the already launched instance of the app. Moreover the new launhed app seems to be running through Firefox.
The senario is the following: 1) I launch my app. If the user has forgot his credentials i send him an email. 2) The user goes to his email app. 3) In the email i sent to the user, there is an account activation link which also redirects him back to the application.
What could be wrong with Firefox? Thank you in advance!
, but this messes up other interactions with the activity within my app - really annoying! – Vinic