[UPDATE: Self-serve property configuration is possible]
You can enable the "generate leave on disconnect" property for your PubNub Key Set
- login to your PN account
- select your key set (sub/pub keys)
- under PRESENCE, Generate Leave on TCP Fin or RST property can be enabled or disabled
Enabled means that when the client drops the connection, PN server will interpret the TCP FIN (or RST) signal as a leave event.
Disabled means no leave presence event is generated and eventually a timeout presence event will be generated for that client (UUID) for each channel they were previously subscribed to
An explicit unsubscribe
call by the client always results in leave presence events being generated for each of the channels that was in that call.
NOTE: Be sure to test your app thoroughly when you change this property. It would seem to be having this property enabled is always the best option but it may have unexpected behaviors depending on your implementation.
See docs for more details about how PubNub Presence works
For any questions, please contact [email protected] with details to get further insights.
flag. – Sartinnoleave
flag true. By performing these steps your page speed to your normal level of performance. – Sartin