I am trying to integrate test a Spring Controller method that uses a spring session scoped bean which is injected into the controller. In order for my test to pass I must be able to access my session bean to set some values on it before I make my mock call to this controller method. Issue is a new session bean is created when I make the call instead of using the one I pulled of the mock application context. How can I make my controller use the same UserSession bean?
Here is my test case
public class RoleControllerIntegrationTest {
private WebApplicationContext wac;
protected MockMvc mockMvc;
protected MockHttpSession mockSession;
public static void setupClass(){
public void setup(){
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(wac).build();
mockSession = new MockHttpSession(wac.getServletContext(), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
mockSession.setAttribute("jbhSecurityUserId", "TESTUSER");
public void testSaveUserRole() throws Exception {
UserSession userSession = wac.getBean(UserSession.class);
Role saveRole = RoleBuilder.buildDefaultRole();
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(saveRole);
MvcResult result = this.mockMvc.perform(
MockHttpServletResponse response = result.getResponse();
Here is my controller method I am needing tested
private UserSession userSession;
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/save")
public @ResponseBody ServiceResponse<Role> saveRole(@RequestBody Role role,HttpSession session){
if(userSession.isEmployee() && userSession.getAuthorizationLevel() >= 3){
try {
RoleDTO savedRole = roleService.saveRole(role,ComFunc.getUserId(session));
CompanyDTO company = userSession.getCurrentCompany();
It is not passing this line because the UserSession Object is not the same if(userSession.isEmployee() && userSession.getAuthorizationLevel() >= 3){
This is the declaration of my user session bean.
@Scope(value="session",proxyMode= ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public class UserSessionImpl implements UserSession, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Both controlle and bean are created using component scan in my applicationContext.xml
<context:annotation-config />
<!-- Activates various annotations to be detected in bean classes -->
<mvc:annotation-driven />