During my internship I needed to work on an existing ruby on rails project. This project is built with spree. The developers before my tweaked the price filter so that the range would change to to max of the products of that taxon. Here by the code of "lib/spree/core/product_filter.rb"
Spree::Product.add_search_scope :price_range_any do |*opts|
opts_arr, max_prod, min_prod = [], nil, nil
opts.each do |opt|
tmp_arr = opt.split("+")
opts_arr << tmp_arr[0]
max_prod = tmp_arr[1]
min_prod = tmp_arr[2]
conds = opts_arr.map {|o| Spree::Core::ProductFilters.price_filter(max_prod.to_i, min_prod.to_i)[:conds][o]}.reject { |c| c.nil? }
scope = conds.shift
conds.each do |new_scope|
scope = scope.or(new_scope)
Spree::Product.joins(master: :default_price).where(scope)
def ProductFilters.format_price(amount)
def ProductFilters.price_filter(max_price = nil, min_price = nil)
v = Spree::Price.arel_table
if max_price < 200
if max_price < 100
highest_price = max_price - max_price.modulo(10)
highest_price = max_price - max_price.modulo(25)
interval = (highest_price)/5
second = interval + interval
third = second + interval
conds = [ [ "#{format_price(0)} - #{format_price(interval)}" , v[:amount].in(0..interval)],
[ "#{format_price(interval)} - #{format_price(second)}" , v[:amount].in(interval..second)],
[ "#{format_price(second)} - #{format_price(third)}" , v[:amount].in(second..third)],
[ "#{format_price(third)} - #{format_price(highest_price)}" , v[:amount].in(third..highest_price)],
[ Spree.t(:or_over_price, price: format_price(highest_price)) , v[:amount].gteq(highest_price)]]
name: Spree.t(:price_range),
scope: :price_range_any,
conds: Hash[*conds.flatten],
labels: conds.map { |k,v| [k, k] }
conds = [ [ "#{format_price(0)} - #{format_price(50)}" , v[:amount].in(0..50)],
[ "#{format_price(50)} - #{format_price(100)}" , v[:amount].in(50..100)],
[ "#{format_price(100)} - #{format_price(150)}" , v[:amount].in(100..150)],
[ "#{format_price(150)} - #{format_price(200)}" , v[:amount].in(150..200)],
[ Spree.t(:or_over_price, price: format_price(200)) , v[:amount].gteq(200)]]
name: Spree.t(:price_range),
scope: :price_range_any,
conds: Hash[*conds.flatten],
labels: conds.map { |k,v| [k, k] }
It is working, in the price range filter the range changed when the max price went up but the filter doesn't filter the products.
I tried everything I know so far of ruby on rails but nothing seem to be helping. Example when I comment key value of the add_search_scope out nothing changes.
Can you please tell me whats going wrong?