I've recently been updating my knowledge of algorithms and have been reading up on suffix arrays. Every text I've read has defined them as an array of suffixes over a single search string, but some articles have mentioned its 'trivial' to generalize to an entire list of search strings, but I can't see how.
Assume I'm trying to implement a simple substring search over a word list and wish to return a list of words matching a given substring. The naive approach would appear to be to insert the lexicographic end character '$' between words in my list, concatenate them all together, and produce a suffix tree from the result. But this would seem to generate large numbers of irrelevant entries. If I create a source string of 'banana$muffin' then I'll end up generating suffixes for 'ana$muffin' which I'll never use.
I'd appreciate any hints as to how to do this right, or better yet, a pointer to some algorithm texts that handle this case.
you store is in fact related to the useful substringana$
, the tail is irrelevant. – Decile$
etc. between each pair of strings. No character in your input string will ever match any of these "characters", so there is no chance that a substring match can "spill over" the boundary between two strings. – Buttery