I tried using the new PDF feature of XCode that basically scales the image to 1x, 2x, and 3x. Unfortunately I'm also using Spritekit, so I'd rather use SKTextureAtlases than the Asset Catalog.
My problem is that the rasterized version of the pdf looks better than any exports from Adobe Illustrator (or Photoshop using Smart Objects).
Here's a link to an Imgur album with examples.
Specifically, the image exported from Illustrator is in 2 square sizes: 60px and 90px. The images in Xcode all have the same name but are in two different atlases: [email protected] and [email protected]. The PDF was exported at 30px square from Illustrator and then Xcode scales it to the 2x and 3x versions.
So why does the Xcode version look sharper (especially around the junction between the rounded corner and the flat side)?