The only way I found to do this on a query by query basis was through the usage of Hibernate comments hint and a custom Dialect.
I'm using Spring Boot 2.7 with spring-data-jpa 2.7.12.
In your Repository interface, use @QueryHints and @QueryHint annotations above your Repository methods.
@QueryHints(value = {
@QueryHint(name=org.hibernate.jpa.QueryHints.HINT_COMMENT, value=DB2zOSCustomDialect.UNCOMMITTED_READ)})
Optional<MyEntity> findByProperty(String property);
The custom dialect class should be extended from DB2390Dialect and a straight forward implementation is provided below (not thoroughly tested).
public class DB2zOSCustomDialect extends DB2390Dialect{
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
public static final String UNCOMMITTED_READ = "with ur";
public String addSqlHintOrComment(java.lang.String sql, QueryParameters parameters, boolean commentsEnabled){
String uncommittedRead = parameters.getComment();
if(uncommittedRead != null && uncommittedRead.equalsIgnoreCase(UNCOMMITTED_READ)) {
return super.addSqlHintOrComment(sql, parameters, commentsEnabled) + " " + UNCOMMITTED_READ;
} else {
return super.addSqlHintOrComment(sql, parameters, commentsEnabled);
If you don't need to check query by query, a custom Dialect extended from DB2390Dialect overring transformSelectString method from Dialect class should suffice.