I have a .NET Core class library project and I want to use design-time T4 templates.
The tempalate compiles correctly, but when I try to use Reflection it raises an error
Running transformation: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating91FD7CCD92D7361F64265F0C5C220E81E842FC4A778C4D459155BDB3A79CCB52D465743E28886D98FF13456BEB0A44361D5237CFADD6B4BDEEED323B315D2F62.GeneratedTextTransformation.TransformText()
at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute1[T0,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0)
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object )
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.TransformationRunner.PerformTransformation()
This is my code:
<#@ output extension=".cs" hostspecific="false" #>
<#@ assembly name="$(TargetDir)$(Configuration)\netstandard1.6\MyProject.dll" #>
<#@ import namespace="System" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Reflection" #>
<#@ import namespace="MyProject" #>
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace MyProject
public class TestClass
public static void Method()
var type = typeof(Product);
var properties = type.GetRuntimeProperties();
// use properties here...
I have added references to System.Runtime 4.1 using Nuget.