I find myself doing a lot of queries to fetch just the first couple of items of a big set, e.g. to show the three most recent news articles or blog posts on the homepage of a website.
As long as this query only involves predefined or custom Parts, I can do something like this:
public IEnumerable<ContentItem> GetTopArticles(int amount)
var cultureRecord = _cultureManager.GetCultureByName(_orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentCulture);
var articles = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query().ForType("Article")
.Where<LocalizationPartRecord>(lpr => lpr.CultureId == cultureRecord.Id)
.OrderBy<CommonPartRecord>(cpr => cpr.PublishedUtc)
.Slice(0, amount);
return articles;
I'm assuming this will more or less be the same as a SELECT TOP [amount] ...
in SQL and will have good performance on a large number of records.
However, sometimes I use Migrations or Import to create Content Types from an external source and want to conditionally check a field from the generic Part. In this case I don't have a Part or PartRecord class that I can pass as a parameter to the ContentQuery methods and if I want to do a conditional check on any of the fields I currently do something like this:
public IEnumerable<ContentItem> GetTopArticles(int amount)
var articles = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query().ForType("Article")
.OrderBy<CommonPartRecord>(cpr => cpr.PublishedUtc)
.Where(a => a.Content.Article.IsFeatured.Value == true)
return articles;
This is really wasteful and causes large overhead on big sets but I really, REALLY, do not want to delve into the database to figure out Orchard's inner workings and construct long and complex HQL queries every time I want to do something like this.