I'm rewriting an "old" React prototype that uses Bourbon, it also uses gulp-sass in a gulpfile to inject a node-neat dependency:
var sassOptions = {
includePaths: require('node-neat').includePaths,
I'd like to use the create-react-app
boilerplate and have a "simple" workflow for the styles by using an npm script to compile the sass files (also because create-react-app restricts you on that) but I can't figure out how to do that.
"build-css": "node-sass src/styles/ -o src/",
"watch-css": "npm run build-css && node-sass src/styles/ -o src/ --watch --recursive"
I'll probably rewrite the styles in the future using a different approach (maybe use styled components, maybe keep using Sass and dismiss Bourbon entirely) but I just need to port the Sass styles from the old project for now.
Any ideas on integrating create-react-app (without ejecting) and Bourbon/Neat?
Is there a way to get the neat.includePaths bit into the node-sass one-liner script in package.json, for example?
is a port and tends to be behind the official release. npmjs.com/package/bourbon-neat – Airglow