Using Fedora 25 and GNOME Terminal. I have used Tmux for a few years in Ubuntu with a long customized .tmux.conf
file. Recently installed Tmux and Tmuxinator in Fedora.
When I open the Terminal. I see that the title is set to tom@localhost:~
. When I create a new Tmux session such as tmux new -s panes
. The title of the pane is still tom@localhost:~
Inside the Tmux session. When I open a new window with name console
like this new-window -n console
. The title won't change to console
and keeps saying tom@localhost:~
I thought maybe tmux is not overriding the titles so I added this to the tmux.conf
set-option -g set-titles on
set -g terminal-overrides "xterm*:XT:smcup@:rmcup@"
That still doesn't do anything.
The Terminal settings. I have Profile/Command/When terminal commands set their own titles
set to Replace initial title
I cannot figure this out. What am I doing wrong here?