I am setting up my fluentD configuration and for certain events, I need to push them to both loggly and elasticsearch. I am using copy plugin for that but see a considerable difference in the time taken by the fluentD call to return - time taken by a test POST call made through postman. It takes around 5sec if I use elasticsearch match inside copy vs <1s for direct elasticsearch match. I am using the following configuration.
<match testapp.elastic>
@type elasticsearch
host localhost
port 9200
index_name fluentdtest
type_name fluentdtest
#Common match for loggly and mongo
<match logapp.**>
type copy
@type elasticsearch
host localhost
port 9200
index_name fluentdtest
type_name fluentdtest
type forest
subtype loggly
loggly_url ##myurl##/tag/${tag}