I have the follow setup and when I loop through using for...of
and get an error of :
Property "country" doesn't exist on type "object".
Is this a correct way to loop through each object in array and compare the object property value?
let countryProviders: object[];
export function GetAllProviders() {
allProviders = [
{ region: "r 1", country: "US", locale: "en-us", company: "co 1" },
{ region: "r 2", country: "China", locale: "zh-cn", company: "co 2" },
{ region: "r 4", country: "Korea", locale: "ko-kr", company: "co 4" },
{ region: "r 5", country: "Japan", locale: "ja-jp", company: "co 5" }
for (let providers of allProviders) {
if (providers.country === "US") { // error here