I am facing issue on SDWebImage+WebP integration in our project via CocoaPods. I am using SDWebImage+WebP to load my webp images from my server in list of collection in UItableView.
Every time I re-enter foreground or on every relaunch imageView in cell will re-fetch images from disk(mean while image view will be blank) and reload UIImageview with same image, even though data haven't changed on server.
But When I used JPG format with the same code base it will work as I expected, there is no black out on re-enter foreground it will shows the cached images. But it does not work with webp
Code I used :
[videoV.imageViewVideo sd_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageUrl] placeholderImage:nil options:SDWebImageRefreshCached|SDWebImageRetryFailed ];
Any help appreciate!