Delete this question please, someone has helped me on another thread.
I am trying to generate markers at certain times in my app so that it will show a blank map at launch, but then sometime later, markers can show up and disappear at certain times.
My state variables are set up like this:
class Map extends Component {
state = {
markers: [{
key: null,
contactName: null,
location: null,
The code I am trying to generate the markers with is as follows:
renderMarker = ({ key, contactName, location }) => {
console.log('renderMarker: ' + key + ', ' + contactName + ', ' + location);
return => (
key = { key }
coordinate = {{
latitude: location[0],
longitude: location[1]
//image = { carIcon }
title = { contactName } />
The console.log in there is generating the correct data, so it is returning for example:
renderMarker: 389djhJHDjdkh392sdk, Steve, -30.498767387,120.4398732
My render function looks like this:
render() {
return (
style = { }
region = { this.state.mapRegion }
showsUserLocation = { true }
followUserLocation = { true }
onRegionChangeComplete = { this.onRegionChangeComplete.bind(this) }>
But nothing shows up on the map. I have been scouring the interwebs but I can't find a followable example. Do I need to add something to my render() function to make this work? My thoughts were I won't need to because renderMarker is doing that work.
Any ideas guys?
inside the render method I believe. See this example… – Southsouthwest