I have a RESTful WebAPI 2 service in C# and I am using swagger as API descriptor. Now, on the client side I am using NSwag which can be found here to generate client side code: https://github.com/RSuter/NSwag
Now, I have been using nSwag for more than a year and I am seeing this behavior for the first time not sure if something in my code is causing it or NSwag itself is acting up but when I generated client using nSwag, it generates int fields which are marked [Required]
as Nullable properties on the client side. Which may looks like below on the service side:
[Range(1, Int32.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "GenTrainId must be greater than 0")]
public int MyField { get; set; }
However, when I generate it on the client side, it looks something like below:
[Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty("genTrainId", Required = Newtonsoft.Json.Required.Default, NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
[System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Range(1, 2147483647)]
public int? GenTrainId
get { return _genTrainId; }
if (_genTrainId != value)
_genTrainId = value;
I have no idea what part of my service side code is telling NSwag to translate it as a NUllable property when it is clearly a required Non-Nullable property on the service side. Am I missing anything?