I'm using elastic search cloud with a single index that has a single document. I'm using @elastic/elasticsearch
latest version. I'm calling elastic search from Firebase cloud functions.
Here is how my elastic client is initialized in cloud function
const { Client, errors } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch');
const elasticClient = new Client({
cloud: {
id: 'xxxxxxxx',
auth: {
username: 'xxxx',
password: 'xxxxxx'
maxRetries: 5,
requestTimeout: 60000,
Here is cloud function that queries the elastic search
exports.stickerSearch = functions.runWith(runtimeOpts).https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
try {
const searchQuery = req.query.query;
const searchResult = await elasticClient.search(
index: "packs",
from: 0,
q: searchQuery,
size: 20,
sort: 'dataCreatedAt'
catch (e) {
console.log("search error", e)
res.status(200).send({ "total": { "value": 0, "relation": "eq" }, "max_score": null, "hits": [] });
When I call this function via HTTP as GET requests with the same "query" param half of the function works as expected and return search results, another half just fails with the following error :
{ ResponseError: Response Error
at IncomingMessage.response.on (/srv/node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/Transport.js:287:25)
at emitNone (events.js:111:20)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:208:7)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:139:11)
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:219:9)
name: 'ResponseError',
{ body: '400 Bad Request',
statusCode: 400,
headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', connection: 'close' },
warnings: null,
meta: {
context: null,
request: [Object],
name: 'elasticsearch-js',
connection: [Object],
attempts: 0,
aborted: false
} } }
I have no idea why the same request fails sometimes.