I am using handlebars-loader:
test: /\.hbs$/,
loader: 'handlebars-loader',
I am also using the html-webpack-plugin.
Everything works as I want it using Webpack Dev Server:
automatically reloading the page if changes to the handlebars templates or the SCSS files are saved.
However, once I enable hot: true
under devServer
, HMR starts working for SCSS changes (i.e. the CSS gets updated without a full reload), which is what I want, but if I change the handlebars templates, HMR does not work, and the regular "hot reload" (i.e. reloading the entire page) stops working as well.
Any ideas?
It would be fine too, if HMR would work for SCSS changes, and regular "hot reload" for the handlebars templates (the way it already works without hot: true