Help me out please.
I have a simpe Retrofit
What it does is provides current weather from OpenWeatherApi.
I have my LiveData
in my ViewModel
observed via Data Binding
It all works fine.
Now I want a background service which updates weather data every 20 minutes.
Im trying to implement this with WorkManager
And the problem is that I don’t know how to access my ViewModel
and how to update LiveData
Main question:
How can I update data from Retrofit periodically in MVVM using WorkManager?
Here is my code:
class CurrentViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
val repo = mRepository.getInstance(application)
val context = application
//This is data i am observing by Data Binding
var currentWeather: LiveData<CurrentWeather>? = repo.getCurrentWeather()
//This method does not seem work when called explicitly btw.
fun updateWeather(){
currentWeather = repo.getCurrentWeather()
class mRepository private constructor(private val context: Context) {
val retrofitClient = RetrofitResponseProvider()
//From here I receive LiveData
fun getCurrentWeather(): LiveData<CurrentWeather>? {
return retrofitClient.getCurrentWeather()
class RetrofitResponseProvider {
fun getCurrentWeather(): LiveData<CurrentWeather>? {
val currentWeatherLivedata: MutableLiveData<CurrentWeather> by lazy {
val forecast = RetrofitClientInstanceProvider.getRetrofitInstance()?.create(
val call = forecast?.getCurrentWeather()
call?.enqueue(object : Callback<CurrentWeather> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<CurrentWeather>, response: Response<CurrentWeather>) {
currentWeatherLivedata.value = response.body()
override fun onFailure(call: Call<CurrentWeather>, t: Throwable) {
return currentWeatherLivedata
class MyWorker(val context: Context, val workerParams: WorkerParameters) :
Worker(context, workerParams) {
override fun doWork(): Result {
//This is what I want it to do somehow
return Result.success()