Here is an .Rnw file containing a random code chunk that is, when knitted to pdf, printed on two pages. I noticed that code chunk highlighting stops after a pagebreak.
- Why is that?
- How do I fix it?
The .Rnw file
%%% Knitr setup
<<include=FALSE, cache=FALSE>>=
<<eval = FALSE>>=
model <- "
# Measurement models
PR =~ PR1 + PR2 + PR3
IM =~ IM1 + IM2 + IM3
DI =~ DI1 + DI2 + DI3
AD =~ AD1 + AD2 + AD3
DL =~ DL1 + DL2 + DL3
AA =~ AA1 + AA2 + AA3 + AA4 + AA5 + AA6
LO =~ LO1 + LO3
QL =~ QL1 + QL2 + QL3 + QL4 + QL5 + QL6
# Composite model for second-order construct BR
BR <~ QL + LO + AA
# Structural model
BR ~ PR + IM + DI + AD + DL
, or? – Ordinate