I found a work-around with which u can achieve this, giving some of the background of the code-base that I am working with:
- I have a PagingDataAdapter (Pagination-3.0 adapter) as a recycler view adapter.
- I have a viewmodel for fragment
- I have a repository which returns flow of PaginationData
- And exposing this flow as liveData to fragment
Code for repository:
override fun getPetsList(): Flow<PagingData<Pets>> {
return Pager(
config = PagingConfig(
pageSize = 15,
enablePlaceholders = false,
prefetchDistance = 4
pagingSourceFactory = {
PetDataSource(petService = petService)
Code for viewmodel:
// create a hashmap that stores the (key, value) pair for the object that have changed like (id:3, pet: fav=true .... )
viewModelScope.launch {
.collect {
_petItems.value = it
Now the code for fragment where mapping and all the magic happens
viewModel.petItems.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { pagingData ->
val updatedItemsHashMap = viewModel.updatedPetsMap
val updatedPagingData = pagingData.map { pet ->
if (updatedItemsHashMap.containsKey(pet.id))
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
So that is how you can achieve this, the crux is to do mapping of pagingData which is emitted from repository.
Things which won't work:
_petItems.value = PagingData.from(yourList)
This won't work because as per docs this is used for static list, and you would loose the pagination power that comes with pagination 3.0. So mapping pagingData seems the only way.