I'm having troubles with some animation in a recycler view. I do the relevant measurements in onViewAttachedToWindow:
override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(holder: PairingViewHolder) {
// get originalHeight & expandedHeight if not gotten before
if (holder.expandedHeight < 0) {
// Execute pending bindings, otherwise the measurement will be wrong.
holder.cardContainer.layoutParams.width = expandedWidth
holder.expandedHeight = 0 // so that this block is only called once
holder.cardContainer.doOnLayout { view ->
holder.originalHeight = view.height
holder.expandView.isVisible = true
// show expandView and record expandedHeight in next layout pass
// (doOnPreDraw) and hide it immediately.
view.doOnPreDraw {
holder.expandedHeight = view.height
holder.expandView.isVisible = false
holder.cardContainer.layoutParams.width = originalWidth
The problem is that doOnPreDraw gets called just for some views. It is something related to the visibility of the views I guess, since the smaller the items (expanded) are, the highest the count of the ones on which onPreDraw gets called.
My guess is that since I'm expanding them in onLayout, the recyclerView consider visible only the ones that when expanded are actually visible on screen. In onPreDraw I collapse them, resulting in some views being able to animate correctly and some not.
How would you solve this?
Thanks in advance.