I'm using Freezed to generate sealed data classes in my Flutter app. I need to test it and I don't know how to do so. Any idea? This is the state:
abstract class LoginState with _$LoginState {
const factory LoginState({
@required Email email,
@required Password password,
@required bool isLoading,
@required bool showErrors,
@required Option<Either<AuthFailure, Unit>> failureOrSuccessOption,
}) = _LoginState;
factory LoginState.initial() => LoginState(
failureOrSuccessOption: none(),
isLoading: false,
showErrors: false,
email: Email(''),
password: Password(''),
This is the test I've been trying to run:
import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';
import 'package:exchangecontrol/auth/application/login_cubit/login_cubit.dart';
import 'package:exchangecontrol/auth/domain/auth_repository.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
class MockLoginWithEmailAndPassword extends Mock implements AuthRepository {}
void main() {
LoginCubit loginCubit;
MockLoginWithEmailAndPassword mockLoginWithEmailAndPassword;
setUp(() {
mockLoginWithEmailAndPassword = MockLoginWithEmailAndPassword();
loginCubit = LoginCubit(mockLoginWithEmailAndPassword);
test('Should be able to test login', () async {
when(mockLoginWithEmailAndPassword.loginWithEmailAndPassword(any, any))
.thenAnswer((_) async => right(unit));
I want to check if, on executing the cubit loginMethod, it properly changes loading state to true (while getting a result) and the to false (after getting it), but I get this error message:
Expected: should do the following in order:
* emit an event that _$_LoginState:<LoginState(email: Value(Left(EmailFailure.empty())), password: Value(Left(PasswordFailure.empty())), isLoading: true, showErrors: false, failureOrSuccessOption: None)>
* emit an event that _$_LoginState:<LoginState(email: Value(Left(EmailFailure.empty())), password: Value(Left(PasswordFailure.empty())), isLoading: false, showErrors: false, failureOrSuccessOption: None)>
Actual: _$_LoginState:<LoginState(email: Value(Left(EmailFailure.empty())), password: Value(Left(PasswordFailure.empty())), isLoading: false, showErrors: false, failureOrSuccessOption: None)>
Which: was not a Stream or a StreamQueue