I'm currently in the process of updating a gradle project with OpenApiGenerator plugin. I updated both the gradle version (v7.0) and the OpenApiGenerator plugin version (5.1.0).
When I'm trying to build, I receive this strange message:
Some problems were found with the configuration of task ':api:openApiValidate' (type 'ValidateTask').
- Type 'ValidateTask' property 'inputSpec' of mutable type 'org.gradle.api.provider.Property' is writable.
Here is the script:
apply plugin: 'org.openapi.generator'
description = """OpenApi API Validator"""
def openApiInput = file(tasks.getByName('processResources').outputs.files.singleFile.absolutePath + "\\openapi.yml")
openApiValidate {
inputSpec = openApiInput.path
tasks.findByName('openApiValidate').inputs.files openApiInput
tasks.findByName('openApiValidate').outputs.dir project.buildDir
tasks.findByName('openApiValidate').dependsOn 'processResources'
classes.dependsOn 'openApiValidate'
tasks.findByName('openApiGenerate').enabled = false
Any idea how I can fix this problem? Thanks!