Deserializing recursive XML using Serde in Rust
Asked Answered



I'm trying to deserialize MathML using Serde and Quick-XML in Rust. I'm having trouble trying to write the structs because of the recursive nature of MathML. Here's a minimal, reproducible example:

use quick_xml;
use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename = "math", rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub enum MathNode {
    #[serde(rename = "math")]

pub fn parse(doc: &str) -> Result<MathNode, quick_xml::DeError> {
    let raw_model = quick_xml::de::from_str(doc);

pub fn main() {
    let test = "<math>
                        <ci type=\"integer\">5</ci>
    let parsed = parse(test);
    println!("{:?}", parsed);

There's a stack overflow, probably due to an infinite loop as suggested here and here. I tried to implement their suggestions but to no avail.

Communard answered 11/6, 2021 at 7:3 Comment(6)
Why there's a stack overflow isn't really obvious. Can you please write a minimal reproducible example ?Exactly
@DenysSéguret Thanks for taking a look. I've added an example.Communard
I am parsing a nested XML-structure into a Vec<struct> using serde_xml. And then to a JSON-string. Is Quick-XML a requirement? Or can you use serde_xml?Worthy
It looks like a bug in quick-xml. Their doc doesn't mention handling of recursive structs.Exactly
@Worthy No, quick-xml is not a requirement. Could you show me how you're doing it with serde-xml?Communard
I have a repo including a test at It's a bit long XML-structure. I parse XML and then traverse the element <siteMeasurements>. And then read <measuredValue index="xyz"> into the struct Data (at the bottom in I probably need to make a simpler case but have a look in the meantime. This answer lead me to this solution:

Here is an example on how to parse a nested XML-structure using serde. This code is based on this answer. The sample XML have nodes called measuredValue that is placed into a Vec<structs::Data>.


serde_derive = "1.0"
serde = "1.0"
serde-xml-rs = "0.4"
serde_json = "1.0.64"

// XML-root
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct D2LogicalModel {
    pub(crate) payloadPublication: PayloadPublication,

// payloadPublication
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct PayloadPublication {
    lang: String,
    pub(crate) publicationTime: PublicationTime,
    pub(crate) siteMeasurements: Vec<SiteMeasurements>,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct PublicationTime {
    #[serde(rename = "$value")]
    pub(crate) publicationTime: String,

// // siteMeasurements, the various weather measurements are below (sub-root).
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct SiteMeasurements {
    pub(crate) measurementSiteReference: MeasurementSiteReference,
    pub(crate) measurementTimeDefault: MeasurementTimeDefault,
    pub(crate) measuredValue: Vec<MeasuredValue_>,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct MeasurementSiteReference {
    pub(crate) id: u16,
    targetClass: String,
    version: u16,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct MeasurementTimeDefault {
    #[serde(rename = "$value")]
    pub(crate) measurementTimeDefault: String,

// Common for all measurements.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct MeasuredValue_ {
    pub(crate) index: u16,
    pub(crate) measuredValue: MeasuredValue,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct MeasuredValue {
    pub(crate) basicData: BasicData,

// Split based on type of measurement. Below this point the tree is different.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct BasicData {
    pub(crate) precipitationDetail: PrecipitationDetail,
    pub(crate) wind: Wind,
    pub(crate) temperature: Temperature_, // Add underscore since this collides with another struct

// precipitationIntensity
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct PrecipitationDetail {
    pub(crate) precipitationIntensity: PrecipitationIntensity,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct PrecipitationIntensity {
    #[serde(default = "precipitation_intensity")]
    pub(crate) field_description: String,
    pub(crate) millimetresPerHourIntensity: MillimetresPerHourIntensity,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct MillimetresPerHourIntensity {
    #[serde(rename = "$value")]
    pub(crate) millimetresPerHourIntensity: f32,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct Temperature {
    #[serde(rename = "$value")]
    pub(crate) temperature: f32,

// windSpeed
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct Wind {
    pub(crate) windSpeed: WindSpeed,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct WindSpeed {
    #[serde(default = "wind_speed")]
    pub(crate) field_description: String,
    pub(crate) speed: Speed,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct Speed {
    #[serde(rename = "$value")]
    pub(crate) speed: f32,

// airTemperature
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct Temperature_ {
    pub(crate) airTemperature: AirTemperature,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct AirTemperature {
    #[serde(default = "air_temperature")]
    pub(crate) field_description: String,
    pub(crate) temperature: Temperature,

// Add default values in serde.
fn precipitation_intensity() -> String {

fn wind_speed() -> String {

fn air_temperature() -> String {

pub(crate) struct WeatherMeasurement {
    pub(crate) measurement_time_default: String,
    pub(crate) id: u16,
    pub(crate) data: Vec<Data>,

pub(crate) struct Data {
    pub(crate) index: u16,
    pub(crate) field_description: String,
    pub(crate) measurement: f32,


mod structs;

use std::fs;

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_xml_rs;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    println!("Goodbye XML!");

    let filename = "./sample.xml";
    let content= fs::read_to_string(filename).expect("Unable to read file");

    let d2LogicalModel: structs::D2LogicalModel =  serde_xml_rs::from_str(&*content).unwrap();

    let mut measurements: Vec<structs::WeatherMeasurement> = Vec::new();

    for site in &d2LogicalModel.payloadPublication.siteMeasurements {
        // The actual weather data
        let mut readings: Vec<structs::Data> = Vec::new();

        let measurement_time_default = &site.measurementTimeDefault.measurementTimeDefault;
        let id = &;

        for measured_value in &site.measuredValue {
            let index = &measured_value.index;
            let weather_node = &measured_value.measuredValue.basicData;

            // precipitationIntensity
            let field_description = &weather_node
            if !field_description.is_empty() {
                let measurement = &weather_node
                let r = structs::Data {
                    index: *index,
                    field_description: field_description.clone(),
                    measurement: *measurement,
                /*println!("measurement time-default: {}, id: {}, index: {}, field description: {}, measurement: {}",
                measurement_time_default, id, index, field_description, measurement);*/

            // windSpeed
            let field_description = &weather_node.wind.windSpeed.field_description;
            if !field_description.is_empty() {
                let measurement = &weather_node.wind.windSpeed.speed.speed;
                let r = structs::Data {
                    index: *index,
                    field_description: field_description.clone(),
                    measurement: *measurement,
                /*println!("measurement time-default: {}, id: {}, index: {}, field description: {}, measurement: {}",
                measurement_time_default, id, index, field_description, measurement);*/

            // airTemperature
            let field_description = &weather_node.temperature.airTemperature.field_description;
            if !field_description.is_empty() {
                let measurement = &weather_node
                let r = structs::Data {
                    index: *index,
                    field_description: field_description.clone(),
                    measurement: *measurement,
                /*println!("measurement time-default: {}, id: {}, index: {}, field description: {}, measurement: {}",
                measurement_time_default, id, index, field_description, measurement);*/


        let wm = structs::WeatherMeasurement {
            measurement_time_default: measurement_time_default.clone(),
            id: *id,
            data: readings,
        // Add final struct here

    let jm = serde_json::to_string(&measurements)?;
    println!("{:?}", &jm);



<d2LogicalModel modelBaseVersion="2" xmlns="">
    <payloadPublication lang="nob" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="MeasuredDataPublication">
            <measurementSiteReference id="228" targetClass="MeasurementSiteRecord" version="3576"/>
            <measuredValue index="2501">
                    <basicData xsi:type="PrecipitationInformation">
            <measuredValue index="901">
                    <basicData xsi:type="WindInformation">
            <measuredValue index="101">
                    <basicData xsi:type="TemperatureInformation">
Worthy answered 16/6, 2021 at 16:28 Comment(2)
Repo on github:
Thank you! I'm really sorry for not replying to your comment earlier but what I need to parse is recursive XML. In MathML, <apply> nodes can themselves contain multiple <apply> nodes. I may be wrong, but I was unable to find any similar relationship in your example. Thank you for creating the example, though!Communard

@Pranav Ballaney, strange that you didn't create an issue on quick-xml bug-tracker, so I open it. Yes, currently the code that uses newtype variants does not work. This is because newtype is completely transparent in XML. It just recursively calls the deserialization of the inner type using the same deserializer. However, it is possible to deserialize you example, if change MathNode definition slightly and use a struct variant with one $value field.

fn recursive() {
    #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
    #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
    enum MathNode {
        Apply {
            #[serde(rename = "$value")]
            value: Vec<MathNode>,
        Ci {
            #[serde(rename = "$value")]
            value: Vec<MathNode>,
        #[serde(rename = "$text")]
        #[serde(rename = "math")]
        Root {
            #[serde(rename = "$value")]
            value: Vec<MathNode>,
    let test = r#"
            <ci type="integer">5</ci>

        MathNode::Root {
            value: vec![MathNode::Apply {
                value: vec![MathNode::Ci {
                    value: vec![MathNode::Text("5".into())]
Superannuated answered 9/10, 2024 at 14:47 Comment(0)

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