I'm working on a project and want to include reveal.js slides, but didn't find enough resources for working with it as a dependency.
I first installed reveal.js by npm install reveal.js
And in my Slides.js file I did:
import Reveal from 'reveal.js';
import Markdown from 'reveal.js/plugin/markdown/markdown.esm.js';
let deck = new Reveal({
plugins: [ Markdown ]
export default function Slides() {
return (
as suggested in https://revealjs.com/installation/#installing-from-npm , but I couldn't figure out where to add these html tags
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/reveal.js/dist/reveal.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/reveal.js/dist/theme/black.css">
And the rest of html tags from https://revealjs.com/markup/ . Do I need to create a new .html file and call it, if so how do I go about the same?