I faced with problem of first run with query parameters after new install of app. I use flutter app and check for new links by this pease of code:
final PendingDynamicLinkData? initialLink =
await FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink();
And it works if I just click on link when app is closed or in tray (paused). So custom firebase scheme works in this scenario.
https://example.com/?route=season and full link at firebase console:
Sometimes due installing I get this log from firebase:
But I use the same link that works while app is installed. Note that I don't use "Skip the preview page" flag.
Flow with this link (when app is not installed):
- click on link from email
- see preview page "https://preview.page.link/example.page.link/season"
- redirect to app store (after click on OPEN)
- first open an App
Any help could be appreciated! Thank in advance.