Writing out your nouns, verbs, adjectives is a great approach, but I prefer to think of class design as asking the question what data should be hidden?
Imagine you had a Query
object and a Database
The Query
object will help you create and store a query -- store, is the key here, as a function could help you create one just as easily. Maybe you could stay: Query().select('Country').from_table('User').where('Country == "Brazil"')
. It doesn't matter exactly the syntax -- that is your job! -- the key is the object is helping you hide something, in this case the data necessary to store and output a query. The power of the object comes from the syntax of using it (in this case some clever chaining) and not needing to know what it stores to make it work. If done right the Query
object could output queries for more then one database. It internally would store a specific format but could easily convert to other formats when outputting (Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB).
Now let's think through the Database
object. What does this hide and store? Well clearly it can't store the full contents of the database, since that is why we have a database! So what is the point? The goal is to hide how the database works from people who use the Database
object. Good classes will simplify reasoning when manipulating internal state. For this Database
object you could hide how the networking calls work, or batch queries or updates, or provide a caching layer.
The problem is this Database
object is HUGE. It represents how to access a database, so under the covers it could do anything and everything. Clearly networking, caching, and batching are quite hard to deal with depending on your system, so hiding them away would be very helpful. But, as many people will note, a database is insanely complex, and the further from the raw DB calls you get, the harder it is to tune for performance and understand how things work.
This is the fundamental tradeoff of OOP. If you pick the right abstraction it makes coding simpler (String, Array, Dictionary), if you pick an abstraction that is too big (Database, EmailManager, NetworkingManager), it may become too complex to really understand how it works, or what to expect. The goal is to hide complexity, but some complexity is necessary. A good rule of thumb is to start out avoiding Manager
objects, and instead create classes that are like structs
-- all they do is hold data, with some helper methods to create/manipulate the data to make your life easier. For example, in the case of EmailManager
start with a function called sendEmail
that takes an Email
object. This is a simple starting point and the code is very easy to understand.
As for your example, think about what data needs to be together to calculate what you are looking for. If you wanted to know how far an animal was walking, for example, you could have AnimalStep
and AnimalTrip
(collection of AnimalSteps) classes. Now that each Trip has all the Step data, then it should be able to figure stuff out about it, perhaps AnimalTrip.calculateDistance()
makes sense.