exact error is
ERROR: /Users/REDACT/.gradle/caches/transforms-4/8d2b49e30523efece47d2329e1531ac9/transformed/classes.jar: R8: Type a.a is defined multiple times: /Users/mgh01/.gradle/caches/transforms-4/8d2b49e30523efece47d2329e1531ac9/transformed/classes.jar:a/a.class, /Users/REDACT/.gradle/caches/transforms-4/196d8149ca78d42bf3bbca1f74e91807/transformed/classes.jar:a/a.class
I've looked up the classes.jar of both and the offending class is just
public interface a {}
This is all come off the back of updating the AGP to the latest 8.5.0.
Also running R8 in the "compatibility" mode makes no difference.
I've also tried to disable obfuscation so I can see what a
is meant to be but it the same
Any help would be appreciated